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Town/Village & GMA funded Paint & Gutter Cleaning Scheme 2021

12 August 2021
Properties adjoining the Ennis public realm works on Parnell Street, the Laneways and Bow-ways are eligible to apply for a grant under this scheme.

Ennis Municipal District Councillors have allocated a further €8,000 from their general municipal allocation (GMA) towards the painting, gutter cleaning and repair scheme, to properties which connect to the Ennis public realm works on Parnell Street, the Laneways and Bow-ways.  This additional allocation, in conjunction with the €10,000 available for the Ennis Municipal District area under the Community Support Scheme (Town/Village Paint works), will be ring-fenced for this initiative in support of the Councillors’ commitment to the Ennis Public Realm works and the enhancement of the streetscape. 

The successful applicants will be awarded €300 towards the painting of the property and €100 for gutter cleaning. 

Application form, terms and conditions and details of property owners’ obligations under Section 70 of the Roads Act 1993 can be accessed at or by emailing

The closing date for applications is 30/09/2021.

Page last updated: 12/08/21

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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